Tuesday 5 February 2008

CNY. Hometown...

Most people will be going back to their hometowns today after work. How I wish to have one too... some place that I can head back to once a while, get caught in massive jams, sing those "balik kampung" songs and really mean it & bla blaa blaahh.

Being local is great but then when one stays here for 25yrs and celebrates all festive occasions here, it is definitely a mundane thing. Going back to my hometown = PJ --> KL, KL --> PJ. Sad right?!!! Nothing feels special anymore... maybe that's why I don't feel the rush and excitement of taking extra leaves, going shopping, packing and getting ready to go home nor even celebrating this CNY.

My friends are all now starting to bid me goodbye & wishing Happy CNY already. I can imagine how short will my msn online list be tomorrow onwards. yikes~

I want to have a hometown to travel back to~ but how??? live out by myself? work overseas? find a boyfriend/husband with a hometown? Ideas, anyone?!! I'm desperate! wahahahAA~

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year to all of you... take care & drive carefully ya *hugGzZZ*