Thursday 30 August 2007

50 years of Merdeka!!!

Its the eve of Merdeka... for the 1st time in my life, I'm kind of feeling excited about it. 50 years of independence, what an accomplishment.

I've never really had a good concept of this country of mine. Since childhood, I hear people complaining just about anything and everything about this land. What more with an addition of western influences; negative conception grew.

However, recently I realized that it's really important for one to love their country. It's not about the ineffiency, the briberies, nor the government. No country is perfect... not even you or me. In realisation, I got to say that however good or bad a country is, whether one likes it or not... it is one's land. It is where one was born into, belongs to, and am serving in. Guess I've got to start to throw those negative thinking away and find things to praise my beloved country.

If one expects a change to happen, 1st they have to love it 1st before seeing it come to past.

A year of jubilee, a year of change...

Well hey, this sentence I've always liked --> We are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multilingual, multi-racial... (multi everything) country :):)

oh oh~ and we have really reALLY good food @ 24/7. hehehhh

Monday 27 August 2007

Caramel Macchiato...

Starbucks HOT Caramel Macchiato is so SoOOO NiCeeEE!!!... I think I'm addicted to it.

Well that's all I want to say for now. Back To Work =p

Saturday 25 August 2007

Farewell sane sane...

To my dearest friend,

The 1st time I saw you, I didn't really know how to make a conversation with you. Though we used to go lunch together with the rest, smile to each other; yet there wasn't much. You seemed to be quite reserved. However to my surprise, you were extremely chit-chatty in msn conferences! This is where I slowly got to know you... the real, true sane sane~~ :):)

You are somewhat like me. Pandai bully ppl with our big mouth but then we don't mean it. (victims -> don't get upset ya, we bully you guys cos we love u! hehehhh) Hmmm, there are many other things but then better keep it disclosed. We don't want our big bully reputation be spoiled rite, sane? ;)

Just few days ago, i just found out that she always had this idea that she thinks that I've always liked PINK/RED! gosh~~ *sweat** don't know why la... but then in return, I've always have this thinking that she always like to tapao (tapao queen). But cannot blame her la, always busy with work. but then aa~~ busy yet still can be so darn active in msn conferences & always scold nyy nyy & tiger. hahahaa she's memang pro in multi-tasking man! geng!!!

Now that she's heading back to Pg to work, I really started to miss her liao. From a colleague to a great friend... its really a blessing knowing you.

Sane~~ I know I can't do much... all I did was giving you hug hug everytime I pass your seat today, go toitoi together-gether, teman you on msn until you leave KL soon in this wee hours & lastly, bully you for one last time. hehehehh :):)

Sane~~ thanks for everything ya. Thanks for playing muakkss muakkss & being siao with me. u kept me sane! All of us here will miss you lots. Our gang gonna have less 1 member liao if you don't come back KL visit us. So, make sure you come back KL every 2mths to join us for birthday celebration ok?

MisS ya LoVE ya *huggssss*

Sunday 19 August 2007

Monday 6 August 2007

The Game

I played a game...

A game of value
A game of risk
A game where its outcome didn't really matter

If the players compromised, both wins
Both did not... so its okay
It was worth as it came to an end

All the sweat and tears
All the gains and losses it caused
Willing sacrifice has far crossed it's boundary

One has learned
One has come to an understanding
A longer wait will make no difference

So it's time to move on
Sayonara is all I'll say in a month and a half to go...

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Happy Birthday...

Weekend birthday celebration for July & August babies...

Look at all the pretty girls & guys in the photos! There you go~ my ex-colleagues... Yups, all sudah cabut except me, myself & I.

So nice to be able to celebrate this occasion with my dear liwei. Happy belated birthday, WeiWei jie jie & ermmm... Happy early birthday to me! hehehhh =)

Thank you guys for making it simply wonderful.

For those who didn't come, try to make it the next time ya! Cos I really realllly miss you all so much! *muakksss*